We kicked off the summer season with a simple walk close to home in Maidenhead town centre with the idea of a reasonably early finish and a social drink in a local pub.
Unfortunately the evening was anything but summery with a light drizzle and a grey murk instead. It was encouraging that a good number of you also felt keen enough to brave the elements. Undeterred, the hardy bunch set off to discover some of Maidenhead’s hidden secrets…

We found these two old boys looking for somewhere to shelter for the evening so we invited them along!

Jonathan obviously had something in mind…

Dave trying out this new fangled thing called a selfie!

Keeping an eye on the town centre…

Dave seemed to enjoy the rain!

Oops, looks like he’s been caught!

Stu and Paul in deep conversation…shall we have a pint or just a half?

Richard tried his luck selling raffle tickets…but alas he had no takers this time.
Dave was fascinated by some strange things…as usual…

But at least Dave Clark took things seriously after his selfie attempt…

…meanwhile Barry went in search of a flying scooter

…and that was before the pub…
We retired to the Maidens Head for a welcome drink and a good chat. Top marks to Helen for driving back from Lewes and tracking us down in the pub.
Let’s hope the weather is kinder next week….
Late additions from Stuart…

2 thoughts on “Walk – Maidenhead 29 May 2019”
Did anyone spot that the PEAKES picture is a reflection and flip horizontally?
been so long since I have actually visited any where in Maidenhead centre except shortcut into the back of the Opticians that the photos are both entertaining and news for me. I’d be lost without yer.