After months of deliberation, planning and organising Richard Marcham finally delivered his walk…and what a walk it was too! We started at the Shire Horse and wandered down Cherry Garden Lane, out to Woodlands Park and back along Firs Lane. We settled in for a pleasant drink in the garden but we were missing Richard… A few minutes later he arrived bearing gifts of two fantastic cakes baked by his better half…and very very good they were too. Thank you very much Richard and we look forward to your next event with baited breath!
Dave Clark

Jonathan Bowker

Paul Louden

Rosie Davison

Edina Sprencz

Dave Gough

Dave Mundy

Steve Mundy

On the way back to the pub with Stuart doing his best Funky Gibbon impression…yes, and it was before any beer!

The cakes were wonderful and have set a new standard for club walks!

Richard enjoying licking the jam out of the middle…

Edina found a new friend…

Dave & Richard enjoying a joke, but Barry is confused, and Dave C is asking Google to explain…

Richard clearly enjoyed playing host…and he is more than welcome to bring cakes along at any time!